Welcome to Lilacs and Light

Lilacs by the fence. @lcm, 2009

This is my first post on my new photography-inspired blog, Lilacs and Light. This space brings together my passion  for writing, nature, and, of course, capturing moments of beauty in a photo.

I selected Lilacs, one of my favorite flowers, to be in the name. Lilacs are ephemeral. They bloom only once a year, and for just a few weeks. But boy is it worth it. They burst forth in a canopy of beauty. I had a lilac tree (really I suppose a bush) in my backyard growing up. I would marvel at the fragrant blooms, and imagine that small corner of the yard my portal to a magical universe. Not incidentally, lilacs were also one of my mother’s favorite flowers. I lost her 9 years ago, and so, this is also a way of honoring her, and who she was.

My beautiful mother, Carole, holding lilac blooms.  @lcm

Light is fundamental in photography. We all seek that perfect moment when the rays hit our subject just right. It’s magic and wonder in that moment. I also want to focus on the light within, the magic and wonder in each of us. I find purpose in that inner journey, but also in sharing, with honesty, our journey with others.

Light & Love. @lcm, 2016

Lilacs and Light is the place where I share the journey. It’s about opening up, finding a new voice, and honoring what makes life so beautiful. It’s going to be a marvelous, at times scary, but always extraordinary, adventure.  Poet Walt Whitman wrote,”I take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me.” I invite you to join me on the road ahead.

Much love,